About Me

With a robust foundation in Computer Science Engineering from Lehigh University's P.C. Rossin College of Engineering, my journey in technology is driven by a profound passion for leveraging computational power to enact positive change. The rigorous coursework, encompassing software engineering, data structures, and algorithm design, has instilled in me a deep-seated belief in the transformative potential of data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. These domains represent the cutting edge of innovation, offering unparalleled opportunities to solve complex challenges with precision and creativity.

My tenure as a Data Science Intern at Verve Consulting was marked by significant contributions to strategic initiatives, including the Smart Meter Installation and Non-Revenue Water Projects. These experiences sharpened my analytical acumen and reinforced the value of meticulous data analysis in optimizing project delivery. Excelling in both solitary and team-oriented environments, I demonstrated my capacity to apply my technical knowledge towards enhancing efficiency and spearheading innovation.

Furthering my professional development, my role as a Data Analyst at Lockheed Martin involved leading data management efforts and creating a command-line tool for real-time data visualization. This role highlighted the indispensable nature of data analytics in informing strategic decisions and streamlining project management, affirming my commitment to the field.

In my leadership position within the Sigma Phi Delta Professional Engineering Fraternity, I have been instrumental in organizing events that foster community engagement and professional development. This role has not only allowed me to refine my organizational and leadership skills but also to contribute to a culture that values knowledge sharing and continuous improvement.

I firmly believe in the symbiosis between personal growth and professional excellence. As I continue to navigate the evolving landscape of computer science, I am motivated by the prospect of engaging with new challenges and employing my diverse skill set in pursuit of innovations that have a lasting impact. My journey is propelled by an insatiable quest for knowledge, an unwavering dedication to my craft, and a vision to employ cutting-edge technology in developing solutions that significantly benefit society.


Data Analyst

Lockheed Martin

In my recent position as a Data Analyst at Lockheed Martin, I spearheaded various data management projects, ensuring alignment with both corporate standards and the strategic requirements of the business. I employed statistical analysis to uncover and address data discrepancies, which directly contributed to the development and enhancement of applications. My technical expertise led to the creation of an innovative command-line program tailored for real-time data visualization, which became an essential tool for managers and engineers alike. Additionally, I leveraged Python scripting in conjunction with Windows Task Scheduler to automate routine tasks for Project Managers, significantly increasing operational efficiency. My role also involved synthesizing key metrics for executive reviews, where I actively presented insights and advocated for process enhancements to senior leadership.

Data Science Intern

Verve Consulting

During my tenure as a Data Science Intern at Verve Consulting, I played a crucial role in the Smart Meter Installation project, where I was instrumental in the analysis and reporting that supported the replacement of 25,000 water meters. My responsibilities included crafting comprehensive daily reports for clients and Project Managers that not only outlined the current status but also ensured data integrity, thereby elevating the project's efficiency. Collaborating closely with the Managing Director, I was deeply involved in conducting a decade-long trend analysis for the Non-Revenue Water Project in Baltimore, through which we successfully pinpointed significant billing discrepancies. I honed my technical skills by mastering advanced Excel functionalities, such as pivot tables and v-lookup, and effectively managed data utilizing the company's proprietary work order software. Furthermore, my proficiency extended to developing custom filters and innovating dashboard designs, which substantially benefited the overall project management framework.


B.S Computer Science Engineering

Lehigh University, P.C. Rossin College of Engineering

Embarking on my academic journey at Lehigh University, I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science Engineering, a challenging program that merges theoretical knowledge with practical application. My coursework is comprehensive, covering areas such as Software Engineering, Programming and Data Structures, Database Systems, Blockchain Algorithms, Programming Languages, Systems Software, Computer Architecture, and the Design and Analysis of Algorithms. This diverse curriculum not only sharpens my technical skills but also deepens my understanding of the impact of computer science on solving real-world problems.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I have taken a leadership role within the Sigma Phi Delta Professional Engineering Fraternity, serving as the Recruitment Chairman since August 2021. In this capacity, I have orchestrated over 50 events, ranging from informational sessions and large-scale dinners to professional workshops, engaging with over 60 attendees at each event. My role involves strategic planning and efficient budget management, with a personal commitment to fostering a community that values knowledge sharing and professional development. I have successfully managed a budget of $3,000 to recruit 25 new members across two classes, achieving a record acceptance rate that has contributed significantly to the fraternity's growth. Through personalized interviews and collaboration with fraternity boards, I have enhanced the recruitment process, ensuring that new members align with our organizational values and goals. This experience has honed my leadership, organizational, and interpersonal skills, further preparing me for a dynamic career in the technology sector.

Tech Skills

  • Languages & Frameworks
    • Python
    • Java
    • C
    • C++
    • R
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • React
    • Tensorflow
    • Tensorboard
    • Keras
  • Tools & Concepts
    • Git
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Machine Learning
    • Data Science
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Web Development
    • Software Engineering
    • Scrum / Agile Methodologies


hawkeye model

Skillion Hawkeye AI Model

This project aims to develop an improved AI-based vehicle detection system, Hawkeye, for cyclists. The new system will replace the existing hazard level algorithm with an AI/ML model. Hawkeye consists of a Tail Unit mounted on the bike, a phone app for alerts, and an enhanced classification model. It is designed for various riders, such as commuters, leisure riders, sport riders, and social riders. The project will involve understanding the current system, researching methods and tools, developing and testing the model, and iterating for performance improvement.

Bionic Reading Chrome Extension

Bionic Reading Chrome Extension

In February 2023, I spearheaded the development of an innovative Google Chrome extension designed to revolutionize the reading experience on web articles through the implementation of Bionic Reading techniques. This project, rooted in JavaScript, had the primary goal of augmenting reading speed and comprehension. Capitalizing on scientific studies, the Bionic Reading method has been shown to potentially double reading speeds, thus offering a substantial enhancement for a diverse array of users. The extension was meticulously crafted with a focus on aiding individuals with ADHD or ADD, specifically tailored to bolster their reading efficiency and concentration. To achieve this, the extension features a unique text manipulation algorithm that selectively emboldens certain segments of words. This subtle yet effective visual cue encourages the brain to automatically complete the words, thereby streamlining the reading process and facilitating a faster, more focused reading experience.